Friday, December 30, 2011

Excerpts from the January 2012 Logos

December 29, 2011
Dear Friends,
On December 8th, the Vestry met with Bishop Ely and Canon Lynn Bates regarding the next steps in our search for a new priest.  These steps were delineated:
1.) meet our parish companion
2.) develop a communication plan
3.) call an interim pastor
4.) establish a search committee.
Here is what’s been done to address each point thus far.  Steve Smith has been appointed by the bishop to be our parish companion.  A companion’s duty includes facilitating the search process, offering guidance to the parish and acting as a liaision with the bishop’s office when necessary.  Steve Smith is a member of St. James, Arlington and was most recently a companion for St. Michael’s, Brattleboro.
Those who have been able to attend our worship service on Sundays know that our co-Senior Warden, Aaron Tinsman has been updating us on the search process during the morning announcements.  The Vestry is dedicated to ensuring this process remains as open and transparent as possible.  Updates will also be included in this newsletter and in the Weekly E-nnouncements as they come up.  Please speak with a Vestry member if you have any questions or concerns.
The Vestry met again on December 13 to discuss the expectations for an interim and the compensation package we will offer.  This has been done and a letter has been sent to the bishop’s office in that regard.
Since the last Vestry meeting, announcements have been made requesting volunteers to be considered for the search committee.  Individuals are also being actively recruited for this purpose.  The Vestry expects to have a search team assembled to introduce to the parish at the Annual Meeting on January 22.
~~The Vestry

Worship Services
The worship team has secured the presence of a priest for each Sunday service through January. 
January 1, the Feast of the Holy Name, Rite 1—the Rev. Jere Berger
January 8, the Baptism of Our Lord, Rite 2—the Rev. Richard Brewer
January 15, Epiphany 2, Rite 1—the Rev. Richard Brewer
January 22, Epiphany 3, Rite 2—the Rev. Dr. Ran Chase
January 29, Epiphany 4, Rite 1—the Rev. Richard Brewer
The Rev. Jere Berger is a member of Trinity Church and sings in our choir.  He periodically provides in a supply capacity for us.  The Rev. Randall Chase comes to us from his home in Cape Cod.  He, too, has been a welcome guest priest on a number of occasions.  The Rev. Richard Brewer is retired and lives in Whitehall, NY.  He first served at Trinity as the officiant at a funeral on two separate, recent occasions.  He’s looking forward to extending his relationship with us in serving as our priest at a regular worship service.  The Rev. Brewer is the former Canon to the Bishop of Long Island.  We will continue to worship together in the church sanctuary until further notice.

Fuel Fund Challenge Issued!
Bill and Carolyn Meub have issued a challenge: they have offered $500 to Trinity’s fuel fund in order to remain in the church for Sunday worship during the winter.  Their donation will keep us in the church through January 22 (Annual Meeting Sunday).  They challenge other Trinitarians to make contributions to see how long we can remain in the church this winter.  If you’d like to take up the Meub’s fuel fund challenge, make your check payable to Trinity Church with “fuel fund” on the memo line.  In the past, we’ve moved into Nourse Hall on Epiphany and stayed there until Palm Sunday.  This Year, Palm Sunday falls on April 1.  To remain in the church during the ten weeks after Annual Meeting Sunday, the fuel will cost an additional $4500.

Questions Answered about Contribution Envelope Numbers
What are envelope numbers? – These are the numbers assigned to contribution envelope sets used by parishioners. These numbers are used to assure the accuracy of recording contributions in our computer system for accounting and reporting purposes. 
What happens if I don’t use envelopes? – Some parishioners place checks in the collection plate or mail them in. Others have checks automatically sent from their bank account. For these contributors who don’t use envelopes, a number outside the envelope number range is assigned for tracking in the same way as for those using envelopes.  
Why may my number have been changed? – Some numbers have been changed for 2012 in an effort to consolidate the list of numbers so that fewer envelope sets are wasted.  Envelope sets are purchased with sequential numbering. When numbers are added for new members the list gets longer and when members no longer use envelopes it leaves open slots in the list. Moving contributors with higher numbers into these vacant lower number slots means we can save money by ordering fewer envelope sets.

Ministry Team Bulletin Board
Ministry Teams are encouraged to use the large bulletin board in Nourse Hall to update the parish with their news.  Each team should make sure their plans are posted.  Be creative with your display!

2012 Calendars
Calendars for 2012, compliments of Tossing Funeral Home, are available in the narthex and on the chapel hall table.

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